How to Perfect the Art of Communication,
Thus L imitating Miss Understandings of Words and interpretation in Communication
"This is a software and app I highly recommend others must have and always be using and should be encouraging others in having in every day use"
Speak It!
"Why???"This program is essential to have and use for not only reads everything you want but broaden your ability to better understand subjects or even things your are researching, Since we as people sometimes can miss read things thus altering our understanding, without having reading error, this can improve a person ability in pronunciation of words and comprehension and spelling and grammar. As well, if you read along, can help a person to learn how to read better, and for those who learn by auditory and visually as well for those who can think faster than what they can speak or type, this will only broaden and strengthen your skills to improving in being very accurate in the articulation of words correctly in writing and as well in speech.
Thus, allowing you to catch any spelling errors, in correction of a word due to person mispronunciation and confusion how a words is spelled and miss types, and repetition of words. Also allowing you to catch , for the situation, in error when you thought you had typed a word but didn't type a word due to your limited ability in trying keep up with your rapid brain's pace in train of thought that over excels your own fast typing ability skills. In a sum up this program can improve your ability to better express your self in your structure of words and improvement in judgement in the use of words you use to express, in hopes that every one can and will all understand exactly what your trying to express from your point of view, regardless of the readers age, gender, culture or person's personal growth background or education.
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