Monday, November 18, 2013

As the World keeps turning, So Shall We.

We have to remember... In those moments that we want to break down, In those moment all hope feels to be gone, In those moments we feel dispair in saddness, Allow those feelings to surface, But express those feelings with digity and Grace. So that we never hold on to such disparity , but release those feeling, in so that there memory is not forgotten or forsaken but can still smiles to our face, even in absence. We shall never give up on faith, Always remain strong even in sarrows. For we know the truth. That the world shall not care what trails and sarrow we face, The world continues to move forward without ever skipping a pace. So in that we must be vigilant with grace and remain strong and always keep our heads head up high, for integrity never loose and even for those we lost we never forget. For we are fighters we remain, We will never give up, And shall never surrender, Live Life to it ever last moments.

Those that wish to help prayer

Those that wish to help in prayer, Pray this Thy lords in thy heaven, Bless Reveles in her cause and prayer. Let not of those of tainted tryumpt but make them see. Bless Reveles prayer, Do not let those of sin, easliy quickenth to death, But allow him to florish and repent in thy holy grace and be embraced by thee Lord! For you lords is the the mighty, and can make them see. So bless this prayer and bless it to be! amen!

My personal Prayer For Kenneth Luna, is always an uncle to me

¡My heavenly father thou is heaven and is of the all mighty, hear me! My heavenly mother, *****, thou is of heaven and of the earth and is too of the all mighty hear me!! My heavenly brother thou is of sun as of the heavens, thou hasth as thus carries holy sprits and virtue of internal light, known as holy ghost, and is also of divine holy of the all mighty hear me!!! It's I, ********* thy grace, and not only Reveles my Lords but is of thou flesh of holy flesh, and has not forsaken thy Lords, not in name nor of lords graces and wishes. I come to thees today, not in pity, not of an anger, but in love and of the sarrow the bears so heavenly on my heart. To speak of man, that was in deed not of my flesh, nor carrie any blood of my blood, but is a man that never the less is of my Covent and raised me as father or and uncle would. I know of his sin, my lords but dont over looks the sacfices this man has done, and teaching me to always believe in thy name and of the lord and do what is right. Father you heard my words and knowth be true, mother you felty crys and nkowth my love to be true, brother you felt my pain and knowth to be true. I do not wish death to my uncle Kenneth Luna to be cost of his sins, no give him life. Show him the blessing miracles all you can bestow, and show him who that is of my name that pleads mercy and asks of the lords in heaven for a mircle of thy name. Its not if self ness i ask for a reconsiderment, No, it of the well being of my convent and of my sister, Show them greed is not the answer but love, my lord! Let them see, let this be, bless it be. Let them see, let this be, bless it be. Let them see let this be, bless it be¡!!¡ Ament

Thursday, November 7, 2013

When Break up DOES NOT mean to abandon on your Commitments.

So, you find yourself in a situation that going the direction of a Break up. Though your sad, angry hurt and confused and though you love that person you cant stand to be around them due to all the things you been through and you find your self just arguing and fighting all the time and it seem to be endless cycle. So much so that if you don't walk away from it, you may loose yourself and who are. Thus, you break up...

The next thought runs through your mind is what about the children or child?